Advanced BPH Treatments

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enlarged prostate bph

Advanced BPH Treatments: Modern Solutions for Lasting Relief

What is BPH?

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, a common condition that affects aging men. As the prostate grows, it can compress the urethra, leading to bothersome urinary symptoms.

Who is Affected by BPH?

BPH primarily affects men over 50, with the likelihood increasing with age. By age 60, about 50% of men experience symptoms, and by 80, nearly 90% have some degree of prostate enlargement.

Symptoms of BPH

Common symptoms include:

  • Frequent urination, especially at night (nocturia)

  • Weak or slow urine stream

  • Difficulty starting urination (hesitancy)

  • Incomplete bladder emptying

  • Urgency and occasional leakage

Who Should Be Treated for BPH?

Not all men with BPH require treatment. If symptoms are mild and not significantly affecting daily life, monitoring may be sufficient. However, treatment is recommended for those experiencing:

  • Persistent urinary symptoms that disrupt sleep and daily activities

  • Urinary retention or frequent infections

  • Bladder stones or kidney problems caused by BPH

Advanced Treatment Options for BPH

Minimally Invasive Therapies

  • Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy – Uses steam to shrink the prostate, improving symptoms with minimal downtime.

  • UroLift System – Small implants lift and hold the enlarged prostate tissue away from the urethra, preserving sexual function.

  • iTind Procedure – A temporary stent that reshapes the urethra for better urine flow, removed after a few days.

Innovative Surgical Options

  • Aquablation Therapy – Uses high-velocity water jets for precise tissue removal, reducing side effects.

  • HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) – A laser-based technique that removes excess tissue while minimizing bleeding.

  • Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) – A non-surgical procedure that shrinks the prostate by reducing its blood supply.

  • Robotic Simple Prostatectomy – A robotic-assisted surgery that removes the obstructing part of the prostate, ideal for men with significantly enlarged prostates. This approach enhances precision, reduces blood loss, and shortens recovery time compared to traditional open surgery.